Brian Wood was as giddy as a schoolgirl yesterday when I caught up with him during a visit to CHCH’s Morning Live. The Hamilton, Ont., station weather specialist was sporting a bright, yellow rain slicker hat shipped to him that morning from Hollywood.

Turns out it was the exact same one worn by Jimmy Kimmel Live‘s parking lot security guard and all around comedy correspondent Guillermo Rodriguez on his recent trip to Dildo, Nfld.

Kimmel, of course, waged a joke campaign on his series last month to be the next mayor of Dildo. He seemed somehow amused by the name of the place.

Across the front flap of the hat, in bold black ink, the word “DILDO” was written. Guillermo signed the hat with a nice note to Wood, who made a fuss about it on one of his CHCH weather reports,

“I’d love to have a hat like that!” he exclaimed on air. A week or so later, the actual hat was shipped north to his office, complete with a nice note from Kimmel Live executive producer Jill Leiderman.

It shows just how well Kimmel’s staff scours the video feeds when following up on fodder for the ABC late night talk show, which has been on the air since 2003.


The series used to air on Citytv, The Comedy Network and most recently CMT but is now watched in Canada only on ABC border affiliates, providing viewers here with the gift of American commercials.

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