
CHML Scott Thompson Mad Men


Don Draper can see us. Can we see him? Don’t subscribe to AMC and vexed about missing Sunday’s Season Four premiere of Mad Men? Wondering why CTV didn’t pick it up again and give us our Don Draper fix? Looking everywhere for those new episodes of Futurama, even on the Internet, and getting nothing but

The show was called Downfall and it premiered Tuesday night on ABC and CTV. Downfall of Western civilization is more like it.The game show takes place on the roof of a Los Angeles office building. The studio audience, contestants and host Chris Jericho (right–appropriately enough from the WWE) are all up there. Down the middle

CHML’s Scott Thompson and me, Bill Brioux–two mad men talking about Mad Men. You can listen in here. Specifically how the acclaimed AMC series seems to have broken through to a large U.S. audience in Season Three. Think CTV might be singing a new iTune and wishes it had picked it up now? Think again.