This week, CHML’s Scott Thompson wanted to know what I was up to this week in Vancouver. Told him I was invited by Showcase to the set of their new sci-fi cop drama Continuum, which premieres May 27.Continuum stars spunky Rachel Nichols (G.I. Joe) as a kick-ass cop from the year 2077 who gets zapped
This week, CHML’s Scott Thompson wanted to know what the dealio was with Community, one of my favourite shows. NBC cut this year’s order and brought the third-year series back last week after a four month hiatus. The good news it returned with season high ratings, both in the States and on City in Canada, boosting
This week, CHML’s Scott Thompson wants to know why there are no pictures of me riding a horse while I was out in Calgary. I explain that’s because I wasn’t riding a horse. I was on the set of the Horses of McBride, an upcoming CTV Christmas movie starring Aidan Quinn and Kari Matchett. They
This week, Scott Thompson at Hamilton’s CHML AM900 gets serious, asking about media coverage of the Tori Stafford murder trial. He wonders what discussions go on in TV and newspaper editorial meetings about how far to go in covering news that can be seen as too private and too horrific. I suggest that common sense
Okay, for those of you who check in every day, sorry for the lack of posts. A deluge of print deadlines as well as fumes from a freshly painted kitchen have set me back farther than a Toronto Maple Leafs playoff ticket printer. Oscar host Billy Crystal, before and after the hair plugs I did
CHML’s Scott Thompson had a bunch of questions about last Sunday’s 54th Annual Grammy Awards. Did the show get a big ratings boost from the sudden death of Whitney Houston. Ya think?We talk about Paul McCartney getting grief for his over sized white tux as well as that horrible new Valentine song. Then there was
CHML’s Scott Thompson asks about the Super Bowl. Scott did the whole crazy NBC enchilada, tuning in around noon as the Peacock network showcased Jimmy Fallon, Top Chef and everything else on their schedule. “The only thing missing was a monologue by Jay Leno,” says Thompson.Why not, I say, what else are you gonna watch,
After some meaningless banter about a Kardashian, CHML’s Scott Thompson starts in about those Super Bowl ads. We talk about Matthew Broderick’s Ferris Bueller 26-years-later spot, and I suggest this is the way to do all sequels from now on. Just boil the whole idea down to two-and-a-half minutes. Eliminates 90 minutes of really bad