It is a great regret that I never really got to know Peter Worthington. The founding Toronto Sun editor passed away earlier this week at 86. I remember introducing myself to Worthington when I was hired at The Sun in 1999. Told him how much I enjoyed his dust ups with Sun legend Paul Rimstead
Following up on an earlier post about the passing of Dick Clark: racial integration on the dance floor of American Bandstand happened a lot faster than I remembered. Bill Harris at the TorontoSun helped dig out the Sun story I wrote in 2003 about a visit to the Los Angeles set of American Dreams, a
Calvin and Hobbled Occasionally I get tempted out of the Brampton bunker for the odd Toronto soiree. There were a couple this week:Do folks remember the Toronto Sun? Monday marked the 40th anniversary of the Little Paper that Grew until Quebecor shrunk it.Several alumni gathered at house bar Betty’s across the street from the grocery