


Cartoon characters come and go all the time. The Yellow Kid. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Ben Mulroney.Mister Magoo was one of the biggest cartoon stars of the late ’50s and early ’60s. The near-sighted miser was created at the UPA animation studio and was made memorable by Jim Backus, the radio and film actor who

This week on our weekly radio chat, CHML’s Scott Thompson asks if I think the media overreacted to the tragic, senseless shootings in Sandy Hook, Ct. I say no and here’s why: there was no bigger story in the last week and with the murder of so many children, viewers were anxious get get as

You’ve done it again, haven’t you? You’ve left your Christmas shopping till the last minute. Lucky for you Cloverdale Mall is on extended hours and there’s plenty of free parking. If you still have a TV fan on your list, and they’ve been especially good this year, here are five DVD box set suggestions pre-tested

Nice to see Late Night with Jimmy Fallon pay tribute to a classic. Abbott & Costello’s “Who’s On First?” routine gets a new shine here, with “Who” and “What” getting in on the gag. While the basic “Baseball Sketch” predates Abbott & Costello, the famous comedy team performed the routine for years before fully committing

Meant to flag this earlier, but for the next two weeks, GSN is back airing “black and white overnight” episodes of of two classic panel shows. What’s My Line? and I’ve Got a Secret will air weeknights starting at 2 a.m. ET, so set those PVRs. Louis Armstrong is the celebrity mystery guest on the Tuesday

OMG!!! I posted a recap on the final ever episode of Gossip Girl for TheStar.com. Is there no limit to what I will watch on TV for money? No, not around Christmas bill-paying time there isn’t.I was pretty sure Gossip Girl had been cancelled four or five years earlier when the Star editor called and

Ever wanted to make your own Fox network Christmas card? Now you can with this handy little app, send to critics this week via email. You can choose which Fox stars you want to party with om your card. I chose all the Canadians, ‘natch.This gift of festive cheer follows a terrible bit of timing

Nice to see Michael Skupin make it all the way to the final three on Sunday night’s season finale of Survivor. The 51-year-old did a face plant into a fire pit nearly 12 years ago on the second edition of Survivor and had to be airlifted out of the Australian outback. For some reason, he