
Vancouver Canucks


Last Monday’s seventh and deciding game between the Vancouver Canucks and the Edmonton Oilers — the last two Canadian teams in the Stanley Cup playoffs — drew an overnight, estimated, broadcast and specialty audience of 3,247,000 viewers. (Ages 2+ across Canada.) An estimated 2,027,000 watched the 9:15pm ET start, won by the Oilers, on Sportsnet

Talk about offside. CBC sweats through a long labour mess, finally gets a half-season of  Hockey Night in Canada revenues back come January, and four big Canadian market teams make the playoffs. Happy days are here again.A week or so into May and Canada’s hockey broadcasters are back on their knees recovering from the latest

Cast members applaud the creative team at the end of Friday’s taping VANCOUVER–Four-camera sitcom tapings can sometimes be a bit of an endurance test for studio audiences. You go in thinking you’ll whiz through a live taping of a half-hour sitcom. Five or six hours later, you swear you’ll never watch television again.This was definitely