The release Wednesday detailing Corus Entertainment’s Media Upfront for 2024-25 did not have many surprises. There was news of an NCIS spinoff prequel, plus the re-boot of Matlock with Kathy Bates, an imported series that is finally premiering a year after it was originally hyped. There was one glaring omission, however: no new season of Big Brother Canada has been scheduled.

Troy Reeb, executive vice-president of broadcast networks at Corus Entertainment confirmed over a zoom call Wednesday that Big Brother Canada is not currently on the schedule.

“No final decision has been made as yet,” said Reeb as to the ultimate fate of the series, which is hosted by Arisa Cox and produced by Insight Productions. Reeb says he expects to hear outrage from fans of the series, but ratings were down in Season 12 and at this point there just isn’t room for it on the schedule. The Canadian series was dropped by streaming platforms in the United States in 2023.

The Big Brother format originated in Holland in 1997, predating Survivor. The Canadian series was previously paused after its fifth season and also shut down during the eighth, when the outbreak of COVID-19 made production of a series which confines people together in the same space impossible. The series did eventually bounce back, however, so Reeb does not rule out that it could rise again — just not likely in 2024-25.

More headlines from Wednesday’s Corus Upfront to follow.


  1. Captain Canuck Reply

    “Reeb says he expects to hear outrage from fans of the series.”? Nope. They cut the live feeds to placate sponsors years ago and that was the downfall of the series. It isn’t Big Brother without live feeds so many fans abandoned it. Years later, there continues to be massive backlash against the producers and host Arisa Cox for betraying them. For many seasons the producers have been using the show as a way to push their personal agendas. That is another reason it lost popularity and fans.

    • Bb Canada this last season was difficult to watch. I stopped after a few episodes. The behaviours of Anthony & Spicy Victoria returning as veterans ruined the season. I’m not surprised it did not have high viewers. Just wasn’t as exciting as prior seasons.

  2. Sue Sibbert Reply

    Forcing us to watch 2 players that were NOT popular at all was what killed last season. It destroyed what might have been a decent season. Absolutely awful! I stopped watching for the 1st time ever, was so sad.

    • They destroyed the season when the got rid of live feeds. No interaction online, no buzz from social media. it was completely dead. They have themselves to blame for this. And the how the season ended with a non deserving winner and bitter jury lost the shows credibility.

  3. I have watched and loved Big Brother Canada and US version since the very first episode aired and it was very difficult deciding not to watch. It is really sad if BBCan don’t air but I for one didn’t watch the previous season after the first half dozen episodes because I don’t like racism on the show when it occurs and I also do not like or agree with allowing reverse racism. To me it’s exactly the same so for the first time ever I did not follow BB. I hope the powers that be will be fair and not allow racism of any kind.

    • Exactly, the way they ran around the house bragging about the hot chocolate alliance was sickening, I thought the “Cook Out” alliance was okay because it had never happened before and was making a statement and breaking new ground but this new habit of race based alliances is gross.
      They ruined this season by bringing back two players who were annoying the first time around and it went right to their heads, it’s a wonder either of them could fit through a door with their swollen heads!
      Blech! I hated Anthony and Victoria and of course all the new people immediately sucked up to them and treated them like royalty, that’s when I turned off the tv and said “No Thanks!”
      It’s not rocket science, stop trying so hard to make something happen, just put a group of strangers in the house and play BIg Brother, they could also save a lot of money by ditching all the special effects and other nonsense! I don’t need all that crap! 💩
      Oh and stop dressing Arisa Cox like a CLOWN! 🤡

  4. The Americans are Stupid not to air BB Can anymore. Our Versuon is way better than the American One. Thier Stupid Show is the same year after year. This Past Season of BB Can was one of the best Ever. CORUS is Retarted. You should Air Canadian Content. Who cares about the Stupid Americans!

  5. I agree that bringing back Dougie and Vic was a mistake. In a country of 37 million you didn’t need to call on former players… The do-over players made it unfair. Why does Canadian tv always move into the fringes for a way to make it less reality? This year’s contestants each seemed to represent something culturally specific that collectively became a diversion from reality. I used to LOVE the show. I watched this season but wasn’t engaged.

  6. Ugh. Congrats to spicy v and Anthony for ruining season 12 of BBCan and getting it CANCELLED! Maybe lucky 13 would have been the saving grace but it’s hard to say if the producers will learn from their mistakes. That was THE worst reality TV I have ever watched. You had me convinced the game was rigged. I hope those two shmucks learn their lesson and stay away from big brother. What a joke.

  7. I enjoyed watching season 12 of Big Brother Canada, please bring it back, rather watch the Canadian one

  8. BBCan needs to go back to the roots of the franchise and focus on the game. The past several years (although thankfully largely absent from BBCan12) the series, like so many other shows, have overtly tried to incorporate the politics of the day into their storylines. I watch TV to have a break from the everyday real-world, when there’s no separation, I stop watching.

  9. It’s funny how they wanna cancel Big Brother Canada when they are the ones who made changes for the worse. Yeah, viewerships are down but instead of throwing Big Brother Canada to the side every time, how about taking responsibility and fixing what messed it up in the first place.

  10. No loss. Never watched and never would. It was garbage television. The promos turned me off.

  11. I actually watched the show more religiously when they got rid of feeds (tended to skip when I was knew what was going to happen), but the strong fanbase will not complain about the cancellation: feed-watching is the important part for them.

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