I do not have any personal stories to share about Jimy “One M” Williams, who died in late January at 80. The California native was briefly a major leaguer but he had a much more robust career as the Toronto Blue Jays third base coach and eventual manger. He was later American League Manager of
Maureen Donaldson would tell such outrageous stories you’d swear she was making it all up. Who packs all this into one life: a May-September affair with Cary Grant? A parrot that once belonged to Muhammad Ali? A first job with The Beatles? Word came via a Facebook posting this week from mutual friend Ray Bennett
In this episode: two CBC Tuesday night comedies for the price of one. First up is Andrew Pfung and company from Run The Burbs. The sitcom returns for a third season with Rakhee Morzaria, who plays Camille, joining Phung on this round-table chat, along with showrunners Jennica Harper and Nelu Handa. We start off talking yard
In 1982, I was invited to a private dinner with Norman Jewison. Memories of that encounter flooded back on the news this week that the dean of Canadian film directors had passed away Saturday at 97. Forty-two years ago, he had accepted an invitation to be a guest lecturer at the University of Toronto. The
Two actors known exclusively for their work in the horror genre step off script and into their own real-life thriller on their quest to decipher if Canada’s most ghostly places are truly haunted. Yes, Luke Hutchie and Matthew Finlan are the ghostbusters in this “factual” (CBC never uses the “R” for reality word) series. Both
Cop or detective shows nowadays have to have some sort of an extra hook. The main character has some sort of Spidey-sense, or can tell if somebody is lying, or they’re an old rookie — something. Anything! In the new CTV police procedural Sight Unseen — premiering Sunday after the NFL playoff game and then
To see your way clear to a new spin on a cop show is not easy. Sisters Karen Troubetzkoy and Nikolijne Troubetzkoy, series creators who’ve proven themselves on hits such as Orphan Black and Transplant, looked within themselves for inspiration. Karen, or Kat, has struggled with vision loss requiring multiple surgeries since her twenties. It started suddenly after
As Douglas Pucci reported Tuesday on The Programming Insider, hardly anybody watched Fox’s broadcast of the 75th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards. Part of the tune out could be blamed on confusion. The Emmys usually air in September at the start of the TV season. It was pushed back four months due to the actors’ strike,