Bill Maher once said that, “Everybody who ever has done a talk show should pay a royalty to Steve Allen.” Allen would probably have agreed. He was the first host of NBC’s Tonight Show, starting with a local New York version in 1953 and then launching the series nationally in September of 1954. David Letterman,
For quite a while now I’ve been thinking about tapping into my collection of old school cassette recordings to see if I could turn dust-gathering interview blather into podcast gold. Thank goodness that some of those old cassette tapes I’ve boxed away for years still work! Many contain recorded conversations I’ve had with TV and
It pays to be a pack rat. Example: believe it or not, an interview I did with comedy legend George Burns way back in December of 1985 still plays on a cassette recorder. It will kick off a series of “From the Vault” podcasts coming to Burns was about to turn 90 when I
Next time you are squinting trying to read ingredients on a label, think of Mary Mammoliti. The AMI-tv host and podcaster zips around her kitchen turning out scrumptious dishes and she can barely see at all! Hear her incredible story this week on the podcast. The Toronto resident also talks about the second season
For the first time ever, comedian Ron James is headlining at Stratford. No, not as Macbeth, or King Lear or Hamlet. He’ll be performing his politically charged, subversive standup set Saturday at the Avon Theatre. If you haven’t seen James live and in person, get thee to the theatre! It’s all part of Stratfest; ticket
After a two year delay, The Amazing Race Canada is finally back on the starting line. Host Jon Montgomery returns and shares his thoughts with Season 8 set to kick off Tuesday, July 5 on CTV. Jon’s love of Canada is genuine and infectious as you can hear on this podcast episode. The Olympic gold medalist addresses
Another Stanley Cup playoff run has come and gone. For me, however, nothing will ever top the drama and intensity of the 1972 Canada-U.S.S.R Hockey Summit Series. Fifty years later, Scott Morrison’s new bestseller brings it all back again. “1972: The Series That Changed Hockey Forever,” from Simon & Schuster, is the ultimate guide to
The third and final episode of our three-part, post-upfront series, “Battle of the Network Stars: Executive Division,” features CBC Executive Vice President Barbara Williams. Williams, a respected industry veteran who called the shots at Global prior to joining CBC, oversees all of the public broadcaster’s English language programming services. This episode finds her just back