
TV on Film


Once again, CHML’s Scott Thompson asks all the pertinent TV questions: Was Conan O’Brien as hurt as he looked over losing the Tonight Show gig in that interview with 60 Minutes Steve Kroft last Sunday ? (Answer: Yes–O’Brien is a stand up guy who got run over at one of the hottest corners in television.)

This week, Scott claims he’s living in Happy Town. That’s the spooky new “Twin Peaks”-like series premiering tonight on ABC and /A. Actually, Happy Town was shot on the other side of Toronto, Port Hope, Ontario. Scott lives in Steel Town, which might also made for a good TV series.We also talk about today’s announcement

Scott Thompson is back at CHML and by the sound of it had a whole lot of catching up to do on the TV front. We touch on the camera-happy Octomom, the other, weepy, Octomom who got booted off Dancing with the Stars this week, the glory days of Hamilton wrestling (yes, the Love Brothers),

Scott Thompson is off this week at Hamilton’s CHML so I spoke with Jim Carriere, who seems to have missed all the fuss about Glee. I try to bring him up to speed, and also deconstruct Conan O’Brien’s surprise move to TBS and U.S. cable. Plenty of analysis pouring in on that shocker, including this

This week, CHML’s Scott Thompson starts asking about Tiger Woods return to The Masters, John Edwards’ galpal squatting with Oprah, Forrest Whitaker guesting on Criminal Minds and a bunch of other stuff I’m clearly only half interested in. Then we get into Craig Ferguson’s new robot sidekick on The Late Late Show and I away

This week, Scott Thompson at Hamilton’s CHML seems mighty darn skeptical about this whole 3-D TV deal. Canadian retailers started carrying them last Friday. You can pick up a 46-inch, hi-def, Samsung 3-D screen for $2,899.00 at Future Shop–and that comes with two pairs of 3-D glasses. Panasonic and Sony have their own 3-D home

On this week’s podcast, CHML’s Scott Thompson wants to know about my recent trip to Los Angeles to cover the Warner Bros. International TV press tour. The big lesson for me was how excited some members of the foreign press were about shows that are off my radar here, such as Supernatural–which is apparently quite