This week, CHML’s Scott Thompson starts asking about Tiger Woods return to The Masters, John Edwards’ galpal squatting with Oprah, Forrest Whitaker guesting on Criminal Minds and a bunch of other stuff I’m clearly only half interested in. Then we get into Craig Ferguson’s new robot sidekick on The Late Late Show and I away we go. Robots and Late Night–you knew it had to come to this. Who knew the guy with the Peabody would be the first to introduce a mechanical Ed McMahon? You can listen in here.
Ferguson has joked around about this for weeks, looking for a way to animate the goofy “Ghost Rider” skeleton skull on a flaming stick he keeps under his desk. Mythbusters’ gadget dude Grant Imahara took up the challenge to bring the skeleton robot to life. Check out the vid, and note the dig at Jay Leno.

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