Imagine being locked into a TV schedule where the only time you could see your favourite cartoons on TV was on Saturday mornings. These TV ‘toons were also packed with commercials for sugary cereals, none were vetted by educators and child care specialists and many had jokes that sailed right over your head. It was
If you grew up watching Saturday Morning cartoons on television in the ’60s and ’70s — or wish you did — have I got a show for you. I have a hard time rememberng what I had for lunch yesterday but I can still sing the theme songs from The Bugs Bunny-Rod Runner Hour, The
As TV’s Mister Question Man, I get many queries. All of them are carefully tabulated and filed. Some are even read. Today’s queston comes from a Mr. Joe Thistel of Orange, New Jersey: Dear Mister Question Man. Nobody remembers this show but me — not even my cousins who are mostly older than me. It