Really trying not to write about Bill C-10 everyday but it is the issue that won’t go away. Thinking of legally changing my name to Bill “C-10” Brioux–if I can get a tax credit.
I really think the favorable world view of Canada as a tolerant society–especially in the area of the arts–is what is being threatened here. If we are to take the Minister of Heritage at her word, the government should be “deeply committed to freedom of expression and will continue to support the creation of edgy, entertaining Canadian content.”
Even if that content satirizes and ridicules the government. Check out Rick Mercer’s blog for a typically cheeky, ponted bit of fun, supposedly from the desk of Stephen Harper. Says Mercer’s pseudo-Harper: “I see the future my friends and it’s starring Anne of Green Gables.”
Satire is welcome at this point but Martin Knelman drills down a little deeper today in the Toronto Star. In an article entitled, “No tax guidelines, no worries, right?” Knelman, who sees this controversy as “a head-on collision of tax reform and film censorship,” asks where are these mysterious guidelines that are supposed to be used to judge “material that God-fearing moralists might find offensive”? Seems the secretary to the Heritage Minister suddenly can’t find them.
As mentioned here on earlier postings, lobby groups have held up Canadian film festival entries such as Young People F***ing as examples of how the arts community needs a moral correction. For a very persuasive and reasoned overview of how Bill C-10 won’t really change anything–one way or the other–go here to “The Legion of Decency.” Newmarket-based screenwriter Jim Henshaw argues that, despite the big bow taken by lobby groups like the “Family Coalition,” the last minute tax credit amendment won’t even address the astounding flow of pornography that spews forth every night and on demand on Canadian cable and satellite carriers. Where are the church leaders and government watchdogs on this issue?
“If your elected representatives really wanted to do something about ‘smut’,” writes Henshaw, “they’d go after Jim [Shaw] and Ted [Rogers] and somebody at Bell. But they don’t. In fact, if you check the donations made to all those politicians making sure no tax money goes toward producing pornography, you’ll find they’ve all received significant contributions from Jim and Ted and that guy at Bell — money that comes from the very ‘art’ your MP says he doesn’t want to support.”
It’s a very good point. All this contentious amendment in Bill C-10 will do it create content headaches and more paperwork for Canadian producers trying to tell stories against a tidal wave of American programming. It won’t deter or in any way effect all this objectionable programming that is imported.
I once wrote in The Toronto Sun that, if you turn on The Movie Network any night past midnight, you can see hard core pornography–far exceeding anything allowed in the United States. I think the phrase I used back then was that you could see “more stiff members than on the Parliamentary channel.”
Would that some of those stiff members would rise up and thrust themselves into this debate, especially Liberal senators who have the option of sending this sucker back to Parliament and making it the big fat election issue it is already fast becoming.
UPDATE: Hello–Liberal senators indeed took up the cause today. See “Senate Liberals vow to protect film industry from government bill,” Joan Bryden’s CP story in today’s Globe and Mail.
By the way, that “Keep your censoring hands off Canadian film and TVFacebook site? Past the 25,000 member mark this afternoon.


  1. Hey Bill, I notice that 35 people have voted in your
    C-10 poll. 20,000 visitors to your site and less than 0.2% have voted to repeal the cultural provisions of Bill C-10. Those statistics sound strangely familiar – I believe it is the same percentage of the population who actually watch Canadian television.

    As for Mercer’s rant on the issue – who cares. Mercer’s agenda is to defeat conservative policy. He’s a liberal propagandist. His opinion means nothing. Let Mercer finance some of the cutting edge films which will be denied funding once Bill C-10 has passed (and it will be passed).

    This issue is NOT about censorship. Your flaky liberal friends can still make their movies and TV shows – but Canadians won’t be paying for them.

  2. my God, anonymous, how stupid are you? Every post you make contains the same banal buzzwords “secular whatever”, “liberal propagandist” etc… Don’t you see you are undercutting any argument you may have but saying the same thing over and over again.

    Obviously you dislike the idea of taxpayer funding for Canadian film and television, we get that, but can you not even begin to address the issue on the table which is about the amendment to the “tax credit” laws as they currently stand?

    I know it is difficult to get into detail about complex issues but why not at least try because you are certainly not doing anyone on your side any favours by just blasting off insults and buzzwords?

    p mitchell

  3. Hey anonymous

    Wow first comment! So be honest: no job? Or spend all day at work trolling discussion boards?

  4. Hey, first comment.Check out Rick’s ‘Message from the Liberals” You can find it at Last week ep #16….still think Rick is a liberal propagandist??? He gives it both ways. It’s your paranoia showing, dude.

  5. Thanks for the link and the kind words, Bill. And an additional thank you for the great work you’re doing on and off this site.

    Wow! A journalist who actually cares! What a concept!


  6. Any comments on this:

    or this:

    Virtually word for word what the Tories said:

    “(b) public financial support of the production would not be contrary to public policy.”

    That’s the Liberal version, BTW.

    The first time I saw Charles McVety I said to my wife “Man, Beau Bridges has really let himself go…”.

    Why would anyone take his word on anything? (McVety, not Bridges, who seems a nice enough chap).

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