UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif.–“I’m really attracted to strong women. Let me rephrase that,” said Portia de Rossi, famously partnered in real life with Ellen DeGeneres. “I’m really attracted to strong female characters.”
De Rossi was speaking to TV critics today at the ABC portion of the network press tour. De Rossi is part of the cast of the new ABC series Better Off Ted, a workplace comedy about a heartless business conglomerate.
De Rossi says her part as a ballsy boss is her favourite role ever—even more fun than the vain Bluth daughter she played on every critic’s favourite show ever, Arrested Development.
As for those steady A.D. feature film rumours, de Rossi says the cast is excited about it and ready to go. “I don’t think it’s fully green lit,” she said, “but it’s definitely happening according to (A.D. executive producer) Mitchell Hurwitz.”
Of course, critics knew that already. Hurwitz himself told us that a few days ago when he was at the Fox portion of press tour promoting his new animated comedy Sit Down, Shut Up (which co-stars A.D.‘s battling Bluth brothers Jason Bateman and Will Arnett). “We have a deal more or less in place from Fox Searchlight, and we’re kind of getting the actors on board,” he said. “We have a story which is basically Valkyrie meets Hotel for Dogs.”

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No doubt Arrested Development is a good TV Show.