Been a while since I’ve been on CHCH’s Live @ 5:30 with Mark Hebscher and Donna Skelly. Back today talking about cigarette smoking on TV and in films and how a lobby group in the U.S. wants all films with cigarette smoke to be branded with the dreaded “R” rating.
Seems some moms and dads are freaking out that, with cool new president Barack Obama enjoying the occasional filtered ciggie, blowing smoke might start to catch fire again. I argue that anyone turned on to the weed from watching Patty and Selma light up on The Simpsons probably has bigger issues than nicotine addiction. Check it out at 5:30 today on Hamilton’s CHCH.
Speaking of which, the buzz around Jackson Street is that prospective new owners have already been in several times to kick the tires and measure for drapes. Looks like it is the Toronto-based dudes behind specialty channels Moviola and Silver Screen. They’re also the enterprising folks behind AOV Adult Movie Channel and XXX Action Clips Channel, so ‘CH could soon stand for Canadian Hotties or maybe Chicks ‘n Hebscher. Stay tuned.

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