Here it is, the second Box Score web TV review. The TCA press tour pushed this back a bit, but here’s a review of Fox’s More To Love, the beefy Bachelor show that’s into its third week already (Tuesdays at 9/8c on Fox and Citytv).
A week after ace camera dude Juan Fanzio followed me around several fast food joints in Toronto’s East end to capture this review, I ran into rotund Romeo Luke Conley on the press tour in L.A. I couldn’t help noticing that he seemed to have an eye for ladies about half the size as the fair maidens on this series. There was one skinny 6-foot blond in particular that was hanging off him at the Fox TCA party like tinsel off a Christmas tree. Plus he kept working that charm dawg thing with TV looker Amber Dowling. Luke is taking this More to Love thing in a whole new direction, I’m thinking.
In any event, you can get the skinny on all the new fall shows in the coming weeks in future Box Score web TV posts, right here and at the exciting new full service web-dination, TorontoNews24. Comments, suggestions welcome.

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