PASADENA, Calif.–ABC had nothing on its agenda for critics to do tonight–a perfect opportunity to catch up and blog about Fox’s lively post TCA Day bash.
The Fox fest took place at the Villa Sorriso in Pasadena’s Old Town, a great little venue with plenty of in-and-out nooks and crannies for schmoozing, noshing and digital recognisance.
Was good to catch up with Cory Monteith, the tall Glee dude from Victoria, B.C. Monteith says he spent Christmas back home with the family and, yes, a lot of kin got Glee CDs this year. Just like on the show, he’s between a brunette and a blond in the photo at right, although that’s House coug Lisa Edelstein on the left with Glee girl Dianna Agron on his right.
Had a great chat with Glee creator Ian Brennan at the party, who had nothing but praise for Monteith, especially how he’s been able to ride the crest of all this sudden fame and take things in stride. “If he was an American, he’d be a complete asshole by now,” joked Brennan, who is from just outside Chicago.Monteith’s fellow Canadian Glee cast member (a Gleekanuk?), Jessayln Gilsig (left with Fox entertainment pres Kevin Reilly), told me that incredible scene between she and Matthew Morrison–the marital meltdown that was so scary real on the show–was one of the few occasions where the cast members actually had time to rehearse. Gilsig, who looked stunning in blue, says her character may be down but she’s not out and she has a strong storyline in the back nine episodes which begin airing in April.
Ubiquitous Jane Lynch (with Bones babe Emily Deschanel) was surrounded by reporters most of the night and dished with her usual high energy. She is having the time of her life as Sue Sylvester and is just thrilled to be on a series that is actually going into a second year.
Kevin McHale, the Glee clubber who is usually confined to a wheel chair, says there is no fantasy chair-less song and dance in his character’s immediate future. McHale says it is surreal to hear his voice coming out of malls and radio speakers throughout the holiday season and the series CDs flooded the market.
Smoking hot Lea Michele and Jayma Mays (flanking the Fox prez) made the scene, as did Glee regulars Chris Coffer, Mark Salling and Jenna Ushkowitz. All were recently in Australia promoting the series where Coffer says he was able to chase down a few kangeroos.
Outside of the Glee club, Fox stars from Bones, House and Lie to Me (including Tim Roth) made the scene. My Brampton buddy Tyler Labine was quietly working the room, reminicing about his first press tour party to promote the ABC series That Was Then, a do-over drama which lasted two whole episodes. He stars with a bunch of tykes in the upcoming Fox midseason comedy Sons of Tuscon.
Another familiar face was J.J. Abrams, the Star Trek director who produces the Fox series Fringe. You had to get there early to crash his scrum. Family Guy‘s Seth Green, Alex Borestein and series creator Seth MacFarlane were also at the event, as were Sons of Anarchy stars Ron Perlman and Katey Sagal. House mates Jesse Spencer, who has cut off all that long hair, and the stunning Olivia Wilde, walked the red carpet. There was no sign of the good doctor himself, Hugh Laurie, but he has paid his dues at these things over the years.
Line of the night goes to Simpsons showrunner Al Jean, one of the nicest multi-millionaires you could ever hope to meet. Jean was asked about that unauthorized Simpsons anniversary book under a lot of trees this Christmas. He hates it, saying it is loaded with mistakes. Anyone the author failed to get on the phone comes off badly, he says. “It’s like if a new, unauthorized book about The Beatles came out–written by Mark David Chapman.”

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