PASADENA, Calif.–Is passing out handguns to critics really a good idea? With news exploding to the left and to the right, Fox set up a truck outside the press tour hotel Monday just so critics could fire off guns.
Reporters weren’t the only one’s taking part in the fun. McG, executive producer of the new Fox comic book action hour Human Target (pre-released this Friday at 10 p.m. on CTV), stopped by the bullet proof promo booth to fire off a few rounds. Judging by his utter glee he might have been taking aim at critics who slammed his last CW reality show, Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search for the Next Doll.
Human Target stars Mark Valley (Boston Legal) as a protector for hire who leaps off trains, planes and everything else in order to save his clients. Check out my brand new video review of the series posted over at Juan Fanzio’s Toronto News 24.
As an aside, the guy running the target booth rents his rig out for shoot-em-up parties and wanted to know if this kind of thing would ever catch on in Canada. “I hear guns aren’t allowed up there,” he said to me. The guns used are actual Walther semi automatics, the kind of heat James Bond packs.

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