FOR SALE: Large, well-maintained, 10-storey television studios/office building located right in the heart of Toronto’s entertainment district. Gently-used studios offer plenty of opportunities for multi-use possibilities: squash courts, bowling alleys, gun range. Comes with thousands of gently-used vice-president offices, all offering stunning view of the city. Current tenant promises to thoroughly clean atrium floor stained after hundreds jumped to their death on election night. Buy now and receive *FREE* autographed Don Cherry jackets. Cash only; contact Harper government (Inc.).

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Sad but probably true. Radio 1 has been cut to the bone after 5 years of minority rule. And now 4 years of a CPC Majority, well will someone please turn off the lights if you are the last to leave the building. Well at least we now have Sun News and all its skanky journalistic integrity to fall back on.
Looks like i am not the only one who thinks we are somehow now in old/fictional Denmark.