Tuesday night’s debut of Ringer (starring Buffy’s Sarah Michelle Gellar) rings the bell on the start of the new TV season. While everybody wants to know when Two and a Half Men returns (Sept. 19), TV Feeds My Family has a complete run down of all the new network shows this season.
All the start times and dates for the 2011-12 season have been listed in order of their premieres. Is Terra Nova any good? Yes. Will American Horror Story give me nightmares? Yes. Did Tim Allen get paid upfront for Last Man Standing? One can only hope.
What will be the first casualty? I have Free Agents in the dead pool, but nothing would please me more than to see H8R get axed fast.
You can jump to the link here or find it anytime at the button to the left under the masthead. Over 30 shows are highlighted with photos as well as a quick, capsule impression based on the latest available pilots. Four shows start tonight, including Camelot on CBC. Reviews from myself and several well-seasoned colleagues can also be found over at David Bianculli’s TV Worth Watching.

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