Simone has plenty of positive energy all her own. I spoke with the 31-year-old London native at the Fox TCA press tour party last January in Pasadena and found her to be as bright and accessible as she is pretty. Read my Canadian Press profile of the well-traveled Simone here.
Simone says what she hears most from fans is that they want her character to “get it on with Schmidt.” This surprised her at first (“he’s like a douchbag, right?”), but now she gets it. “He’s so loveable, and [Max Greenfield] plays the character so loveable they want him and Cece to connect.”
Fans have gotten their wish in recent weeks as Cece and Schmidt have become “friends with benefits.” Simone attributes this development to “a special talent he revealed to her that gives her something to think about.” As Cece might say, Schmidt happens.
New Girl airs Tuesday nights at 9/8c on Fox and City-TV.