Good thing Trump didn’t ask to see my birth certificate before choosing me as his running mate

It looked like I was going to be able to just comb over the latest Donald Trump dealio until Scott Thompson brought it up on this week’s CHML AM900 radio chat. The real estate tycoon knows how to steal a slow news cycle with his hilarious summer run for the White House. That some polls put him in second place among 13 (now 14) Republican candidates is, well, all sorts of nuts. If he takes this shtick through to the debates it will underscore what William F. Buckley once determined was the “conflict of interest between that which is highly view-able and that which is highly enlightening.”

Trump’s been talking about running for president for years (he did it when I interviewed him in his Trump Tower corner office in 2010) but his sweeping racial dismissiveness seems to have cost him all ties with NBC. They’ve dumped his beauty pageants, and not a century too soon.

Scott asks who should replace Trump as host of Celebrity Apprentice (inexplicably going forward without him) and I suggest Brian Williams. Guffaws all around.

The Donald got more ink for messing with Neil Young and later saying he and Oprah would be an unstoppable ticket and there will be much more to come. If you’re Jimmy Kimmel or Larry Wilmore he is the gift that just keeps on giving.

There’s talk about other stuff, including something Trump could buy a lot easier than the presidency: the new Samsung SUHD TV’s. You can listen in here.

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