This week, CTV released the names of the 20 people participating in the seventh edition of The Amazing Race Canada. The nation’s most popular summer show returns Tuesday, July 2 on CTV. The ten new teams are as follows:

Aarthy & Thinesh: Aarthy Ketheeswaran, 25, and Thinesh Kumarakulasingam, 28, are described as a competitive and energetic dating couple from Vancouver. One’s in human resources, the other is a software developer. They are both first-generation Canadians who met while working for the same company.

Lauren & Joanne: Lauren and Joanne Lavoie, 27 and 21, are the very first team members to hail from Saskatchewan. The Lavoie sisters live in Regina; one’s a teacher and the other is a yoga instructor. Both are full of “Prairie Pride” and want to show Canada why Saskatchewan is truly amazing.

Dave & Irina : Dave Leduc, 27, and Irina Terehova, 29, are a married couple from Quebec who now live in Dubai. Dave’s a Burmese Bareknuckle Boxing World Champion, which means he gets to head butt opponents into submission – always an advantage on The Amazing Race Canada. Irina is a housewife and journalist, originally from Montreal.

Jet & Dave: Jet Black, 40, and Dave Schram, 35,competed in the very first edition of The Amazing Race Canada and were voted back into this 7th edition as part of “Canada’s Choice.” The best friends originally hail from London, Ont. Jet’s a firefighter; Dave’s a marketing consultant. They expect to head into this competition with a target on their backs.

Trish & Amy: Trish Omeri, 40, and Amy De Domenico, 50, are stay at home mothers and friends from Etobicoke, Ont., who met three years ago at the gym. Both have already overcome big challenges. Trisha lost almost 100 lbs and began entering triathlons. Amy was born with severe hearing loss and helps raise a blended family of seven children; two with significant disabilities. She, too, runs triathlons as well as obstacle races. They’re fierce, intense and ready to compete.

Sarah & Sam: Sarah Wells, 29, and Sam Effah, 30, are professional track and field athletes. The Team Canada teammates have both battled back from career-threatening injuries. Both live in Toronto and devote time and energy to inspiring future generations through The Believe Initiative.

Gilles & Sean: Gilles Miron, 65, and his grandson, Sean Miron, 20, are TARC’s first-ever grandfather-grandson team. hailing from small town Sunderland, Ont., the pair have a unique bond as Gilles basically raised Sean from the time he was born. Gilles is a canoe instructor and has paddled across Ontario and beyond. Sean is a student and calls his very fit granddad “our secret weapon.”

Anthony & James: Anthony Johnson, 33, and James Makokis, 37, are the only married couple in this summer’s race. Both proudly Indigenous, they met on Facebook after Harvard grad Anthony spotted James, a family physician, as the centerfold for the September, 2015 edition of OUT Magazine. They eventually got married during the Vancouver marathon. Both now reside in Edmonton although Anthony, a project coordinator, is originally from Arizona.

Neikita & Aisha: Lee, 31, and Aisha Bentham, also 31, bonded over basketball as teenagers growing up in Scarborough. Nicki’s a personal trainer; Aisha is out to make a go of it as an artist/entrepreneur and hopes to get more people hooked on eating plant-based foods.

Meaghan & Marie: Meaghan and Marie Wright, both 25, are twin sisters from Halifax. They’ve overcome their share of challenges; they lost their mother when they were 14 and in many ways raised each other. Martie also broke her neck in 2016 and was told she would have to live with paralysis. The own and operate their own media production company, called, appropriately enough, Mirror Image Media. This race, they say, is for their mom.