
Kevin Sullivan


Its CBC run over, Anne premiered Friday in nearly 100 million homes outside of Canada on Netflix. It’s been renamed “Anne with an E” on the streaming service; presumably “E” stands for Export. There are a lot of talented people behind it. The cast is stellar, especially leads Geraldine James as Marilla Cuthbert, R.H. Thomson as

I was just a young punk photo editor at TV Guide when Kevin Sullivan’s Anne of Green Gables broke viewing records in Canada in 1985. A great, big, Hallmark greeting card of a series, the two-part event drew around five million viewers for one of its two nights. At least I think it did. That

Back before Netflix, Amazon, Shomi or Crave, before DVDs and PVRs, before YouTube or Facebook, back when cable or specialty were blips on the TV landscape, there was Anne of Green Gables. Executive producer Kevin Sullivan’s sweet valentine to popular Canadian literature premiered 30 years ago this Christmas. It was an enormous hit, pulling five million viewers back