UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. —Will Ferrell is taking his act to Broadway with You’re Welcome America! A Final Night With George Bush. The one man show will air as an HBO special March 14 on HBO Canada.
It gives Ferrell, who goofed on Bush for years on Saturday Night Live, one last chance to “send this character off,” as he told TV critics gathered at press tour today. Broadway previews begin Jan. 20; the play opens Feb. 5.
Ferrell appeared via satellite from New York today(along with executive producers Adam McKay) on two giant screens in the Universal Hilton ballroom where the press tour sessions are taking place. He was wearing glittery “2009” New Year’s Eve gag glasses and a stupid winter flap hat. He kept insisting that the glasses were “prescription.”
One scribe asked who Ferrell thought also did a credible Bush. “Jack Nicholson,” he deadpanned. “Gore Vidal,” added McKay.
The dudes just do not give straight answers. Well, maybe one. “We set out to do a funny show to do some political satire, but I think we surprised people with some of the twists and turns,” said Ferrell.
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