Getting up to speed on a new lap top and chasing down a replacement AC power cord left behind in Toronto has me way behind on posting off the press tour. Apologies to the extended TVFMFamily family and thanks for your patience.
Here’s something that should have been posted days ago: this week’s radio chat with CHML’s Scott Thompson. We set up the press tour and I go a little ballistic on what I consider was Larry King’s exploitative coverage of the sad death of Jett Travolta. You can listen in here.

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No comment on the Bye Bye scandal, Bill?
I taped that CHML radio bit last Tuesday before coming down to L.A. for press tour so I missed the whole Bye Bye controversy. It is astounding to note that around 4 million Quebecers tuned in. After all the fuss I’ve made about Farce’s 1.5 million New Year’s Eve, Bye Bye blew that out of the water. Perhaps people tune in to see if they will go too far–which it sounds like they did.