Being Erica finale numbers: a solid, if unspectacular, 582,000, equalling the series best score on Wednesdays. Average for Wednesday night: 520,000. Average for Monday night: 614,000. The challenge will be to build on that 500-600,000 base next season.
Other overnight estimates from Wednesday night: that Leonard Cohen special drew 707,000, although just 169,000 were in the 25-54 demo. Jeopardy! did 1,092,000, The Hour 166,000. A steady 849,000 tuned in the CBC National News.
The CTV “Total” score for American Idol will put it near the 2 million mark, or maybe way over if the guys who did the math on that first CTV Juno release run the numbers. The commercial count topped out at 1,925,000. CSI New York did 1,681,000, Criminal Minds drew 1,155,000.
Over at Global, Lie To Me grew to 932,000, with 507,000 being in the 25-54 demo. Bones did 1,078,000, Life on Mars bowed out with 390,000.

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