PASADENA, Calif.–As I was heading into the men’s room right after the HBO session earlier this week for Hung, who comes walking out but series star Thomas Jane. “Damn!” I kidded. “Missed a chance to find out.”
Poor Jane. He must get dick jokes everywhere he goes (although he laughed at that one).
Jane told critics that, everywhere he goes, all anyone wants to know is he is really hung in real life.
That must get old fast, especially if you are part of a show that is also dealing with some bigger issues, including how a mid-life crisis is especially challenging in the middle of an economic meltdown.
He seemed pretty weary of all the crotch shots at the HBO session for the series (which airs Sunday nights at 10 p.m. on HBO Canada). Jane got testy and a bit belligerent at the press conference. I asked him three times from the floor what he thought when he was first offered the role and he kept shaking the question off. Finally he said: “Speak into the mic and tell me how you feel about my penis.”
Instead I repeated my original question. Read his answer here at the story I filed from press tour that is running in today’s Toronto Star.
My take on why Jane was so pissy at press tour? Not really hung. I’m just sayin.’

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