Scott Thompson was off on holiday with his wife last week and didn’t they just go out and enjoy a Mad Men Season One DVD marathon. We talk about how great that series is (and how it is driving new business in Canada to iTunes) on today’s CHML Talk Radio TV chat, you can listen in here.
Other topics include MuchMusic’s quiet 25th anniversary and a look at CHCH’s first week under their new management, local owners Channel Zero. Does anybody miss all that imported E! crap? Good riddance, the Kardashians and Kimora and whoever else all those celebrity losers were. I’m convinced that this was U.S. E! owner Comcast’s revenge on Toronto for shipping all our garbage to the States.
Hamilton’s new CHCH is all news except in the evening, when they show movie favourites such as this week’s Rocky I-V marathon. I’m all for that, but clean up the prints–they look like they’ve been projected through Jell-O.

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