TSN’s hot hand continued Tuesday as 1,358,000 tuned in to that Leaf win over Montreal according to overnight estimates from BBM Canada. PPM now stands for Power Past Montreal.
Tuesday was also a good night for the Rick Mercer Report, up to 1,137,000 as Mercer hit the roller derby track, also in Montreal.
Being Erica also had a stronger than usual night, with 637,000 tuning in as this series lurches toward a season finale. Helping was the lack of strong U.S. competition on the private networks due mainly to preemptions as president Barack Obama addressed the Tiger Woods controversy or something.
Global still drew 1,694,000 and 1,324,000 with NCIS I and II and another 869,000 for their festive Victoria Secret panty parade. CTV snatched Two and a Half Men away from A channel a day later, confusing all but 1,092,000. Their swipe of Big Bang Theory was less successful, netting 413,000–about half the usual A channel audience. 22 Minutes clocked 601,000.
The news race: Global at 5:30 1,074,000, CTV at 11 1,007,000 and CBC at 10/10:25 697,000/583,000.
MONDAY NUMBERS: TSN scored another million Monday with their primetime NFL football game featuring the Saints over the Patriots. Global’s House took the night at 2,797,000. Lie to Me stayed honest at 1,810,000. CTV sang Shrek the Halls to the tune of 1,111,000. Canada’s Worst Driver steered 710,000 over to Discovery. Back-to-back Little Mosque saw the faithful slip to 476,000 and 421,000. Just Four Laughs counted just 321,000.
Monday national news numbers: Global 1,277,000, CTV 1,122,000, CBC 619,000/533,000.

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