Good news, Canada. In case you were stuck Sunday night watching that four hour Olympic infomercial on CTV, you can still check out all the U.S. network Super Bowl ads you missed. Just head over here to, where you`ll find all the ads broken down by quarter. (And, thanks, CBS, for not geo-blocking them to Canada.)
That Pam and Tim Tebow FocusontheFamily spot is the second one in the first quarter. Judge for yourself but it seems pretty low key to me after all the fuss.
There`s a very elaborate Simpsons ad in that same quarter for Coke. In the third quarter, check out the Volkswagen Punch Buggy spot with the surprise celeb punch line. Chevy Chase picked up a cheque for a clever home sharing spin on his old Griswold films. The Kia Partying Toys ad featuring a sock monkey the same quarter (above) is another winner.
Some of the same ads ran on CTV`s broadcast of the game. The Dove soap for men ad crossed the border, as did several movie ads for Wolfman, Prince of Persia and Alice in Wonderland. Most of the Canadian ads, though, were seen-it-before stuff from Bell and other usual suspects. That`s if you could even find them squeezed between the nine billion CTV Olympic teasers. Holy crap, we get it already, it all starts Friday.

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