Tom Welling at press tour
BEVERLY HILLS, CA–Faster than a speeding bullet.
That’s how fast Tom Welling was yanked off stage Thursday after The CW session for Hellcats. The 58-year-old actor is one of the executive producers of the new Glee rip-off cheerleader series, but is best known for playing Clark Kent on Smallville. That was why he was peppered with questions immediately after the session.
Smallville is going into it’s 45th 10th and final season. How should it end, Welling was quickly asked. “I have my own ideas,” he said. “In Season Three, I had the idea that it would be great if Martha give Clark the suit and he goes off to Metropolis.” That happened in Seasons four or five, he says. “It’s pretty much a Metropolis show now, so, my idea kind of went out the window.”
A publicist broke up the scrum by insisting she had to whisk him back to the airport to get him straight back to Smallville‘s Vancouver set. What, he can’t fly? Turn back time? Bend publicist’s necks in his bare hands??


  1. I think CK may have received the suit at the very end of this past season’s final episode.
    The real question is whether Michael Rosenbaum returns as Lex Luthor or if they continue with an occasional shadowed stand-in.
    Micheal McKean’s one episode return as Perry White was fun last year, as were the additional co-heroes, The Wonder Twins, plus older generation members of the JSA. Looking forward(!) to seeing which other DC characters will make an appearance or two.

  2. CW entertainment president Dawn Ostroff on Michael Rosenbaum coming back for the final season: “We have left the door open. We hope that he will come back, but we don’t know if that will happen, but we’ve certainly left the door open. And, yes, they do have the entire season planned out, and I think it’s going to be a really thrilling last season for them. I know that a lot of the actors and the writers — I mean, everybody feels this sense of wanting to give the audience a really fulfilling season finale, and so I think it won’t disappoint.”

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