Summertime and the living is…Canadian.
Off to Halifax to visit the set of Haven, which returns in July for a second season. The Showcase series got a second window on Global Friday nights this spring. That second window just opened for The Borgias, a Showtime/Bravo! drama starring Jeremy Irons. The shot-in-Hungary historical drama will premiere Tues. June 21 at 10 p.m. on CTV and run all summer long. Showtime has already renewed the $40M first season series in the States.
Those with long memories may recall Dan for Mayor and Hiccups. The two comedies finally return to CTV with summer runs. CTV is airing them Sundays as part of a summer block beginning June 5 (Hiccups actually bows Monday June 6 then moves to Sunday the following week–that’s why it’s called hiccups). CTV plans to book Dan and Hiccups around new episodes of Hot in Cleveland and reruns of Big Bang Theory. New episodes of Flashpoint also begin a summer run starting June 17.
The return of So You Think You Can Dance Canada is also booked for June 20. And the 47th season of Comedy Now! begins June 4. Don’t say you weren’t warned!
With Global’s Rookie Blue also returning in June Canadians will get 10 or 12 whole weeks to see shows shot in this country before it all gets smothered by a deep layer of U.S. simulcasts.

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