This week, CHML’s Scott Thompson wanted my take on Netflix’s big breakthrough at the Emmy Awards. Their drama House of Cards drew nine nominations, including Best Original Drama and Best Acting nominations for both Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright.
Netflix also scored Emmy noms for Arrested Development and Hemlock Grove. What’s more, their latest original series, Orange is the New Black, is picking up rave reviews.
Scott wonders if this is a big shift in the world of television. That would be yes. When you don’t need to be on television anymore to get nominated for TV’s highest honors, something is up.
One thing Netflix’s breakthrough shows you is that the most talented players in the creative community don’t really care if they ever do a show again for NBC or CBS. Call yourself a showrunner or a content provider, you have other places to pitch, and that’s always good.
How does this impact Canadian broadcasters or even specialty and cable, as well as consumers? You can listen in here.

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