
22 Minutes


22 Minutes’ creator Mary Walsh and original player Greg Thomey both return in Tuesday night’s hour-long holiday episode. In its 20th season, the Halifax-based CBC comedy has been a bright spot in an otherwise challenging fall for CBC, where hockey is missed like nowhere else.East Coast icon Gordon Pinsent–flown in from St. John’s where he

What–no Dancing with the Stars tonight?Apparently there is an election or something happening Tuesday night in America. Hopefully it has something to do with ending the hockey strike.Both The Daily Show with Jon Stuart (with special guest Andrew Sullivan of The Daily Beast) and The Colbert Report will be carried live at 11 p.m. by the

Ten years on, Canadians love their Rick Mercer Report.The series blasted back Tuesday at 8 p.m. with 1,256,000 overnight, estimated viewers.CBC’s winning Tuesday continued with the 20th season return of 22 Minutes, which also broke a million at 1,009,000. The Dragon’s Den spin-off The Big Decision drew 480,000 at 9 p.m.Mercer’s strong showing was the

I’m not sure every word is true in Shaun Majumder, Every Word is Absolutely True, but it sure feels that way. The 90-minute documentary premieres tonight at 7:30 p.m. on HBO Canada. The special is surprisingly moving, especially if you stick with it until the end. Majumder, 40, has always been a likable dude, very personable on

I figure what the CBC could use these days is a few more unpaid consultants. There are some tough decisions ahead as the public broadcaster deals a $115 million reduction in their parliamentary appropriation. Network officials have dropped several hints as to where they are going in advance of their May 10 2012-13 season launch

Quick–turn on your TV and watch the hour-long 22 Minutes Christmas special (8 p.m., CBC). The Halifax-based sketch com, in its 19th season, is having a banner year in quality and ratings. Tonight the gang goof on Dragon’s Den billionaire Kevin O’Leary (typecast as Scrooge). The hour is packed with guest stars, including Jim Cuddy