Global’s new medical drama Nurses premiered to an estimated 923,000 overnight viewers Monday night as mid-season launched into a busy week in broadcast television. The Mississauga-based series held its own opposite the two-hour launch of the ABC import America’s Got Talent: The Champions on CTV. Accommodating these and other mid-season replacements meant shifting some shows
Way back last April I was invited to the set of Nurses, a Canadian-made hospital series set in Toronto. Nine months later, it premieres this Monday night at 8 p.m. on Global. I’m not here to pan it or even bed pan it. There are some folks behind it who have made several very successful
UPDATED: Think 2019 had too many TV shows? Think again! With even more streaming services on the way, this new year will be even harder for anyone trying to cling to their 20/20 vision. The handy list below is in chronological order as to what returns/premieres when. Happy binging: Deputy (Thurs., Jan. 2, Fox): Stephen
This has been the most muted upfront TV season I can remember. That impression may, admittedly, be due to the fact that I’ve seen a lot of them, but also I think it is because all the action and excitement and, frankly, a great deal of the audience, has shifted over to the streaming side.
Had to book myself into a hospital last week — on the set of the upcoming Global medical drama Nurses. The 10-episode first season, from the folks behind Rookie Blue, probably won’t air until the fall or early in 2020. Set in Toronto at a fictional hospital named St. Jude, Nurses is more like Rookie