You’ve undoubtedly seen all those ads on bus shelters, billboards and even on television. Instead of declaring when Big Bang or Schitt’s Creek or the new CBC series Coroner will be air, they simply say when each series will start “streaming.” Here’s why: a report last April suggested that streaming will surpass broadcast viewing in Canada by 2020. Yes, next
This week, CHML’s Scott Thompson asks about the “Cable Killer Box.” I joke it sounds like a new AMC series, but it is another one of those “get all the TV you want for free” deals. This one is being sold in the States and allows viewers to watch tons of TV content by streaming
The CRTC logo. Lookin’ more like a shield Hey, remember the CRTC? Apparently it’s ba-aack. On Thursday, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission ka-powed BCE Inc’s $3.4 billion takeover bid of Astral Media, seen almost as a foregone conclusion just weeks ago. Sure, Bell would have to hand over some radio stations, observers figured, maybe