One of Red Green’s favourite sayings is, “If the ladies don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.” Steve Smith may be the handiest fella ever in the history of Canadian television. Inspired by that ol’ TV fishin’ pal Red Fisher, Smith crafted Red Green out of duct tape and suspenders. The
Tuesday was a warm and sunny October morn, a good day for a treasure hunt. To take advantage, I pointed the Swedish princess down the QEW to the Niagara region in search of comedy gold. My sherpa of silliness: none other than Ron James. The standup comedy standout is currently shooting the second season of
This past week, while promoting the TV on Film screenings I am hosting in Hamilton (next one is Wednesday), I made my first visit to the impressive new CHCH TV studios. ‘CH has been a true community hub for nearly 70 years. It first began broadcasting in 1954 and grew to become one of Canada’s