Here’s news that should leave 007 fans shaken and stirred — “No Time to Die” begins streaming today, November 9, 2021.
After several delays due to the worldwide pandemic (it was originally supposed to premiere two years ago in November of 2019), Daniel Craig’s fifth and final turn as “licenced to kill” M16 spy James Bond finally opened in cinemas across North America on October 8. One month later, the two hour and 43 minute film has reportedly grossed more than $667 million worldwide.
That’s less than the Fast & Furious release “F9” (No. 3 with $721 million) or a couple of Chinese features in first and second place, but ahead of “Godzilla vs. Kong” (No. 6 with a take of $467.9 million).
Starting today, you can call up “No Time to Die” with a voice command on your Rogers Ignite TV remote. It’s available for rent at $24.99.
Or, just say “James Bond” into your Ignite TV remote to see, for free, any of the other two-dozen 007 films in the franchise — including seven I single out as my favourites in this guest column I wrote for Rogers.