Will Arnett has been yanked off that new Knight Rider remake, replaced as the voice of KITT by Val Kilmer.

That’s right, G.O.B. is out of a job. The reason? Toronto-native Arnett does voice over work for General Motors. The new KITT is a Shelby Mustang, built Ford tough. Woops.

I could see this coming straight down the 405 when I asked new Knight Rider executive producer David Bartis about it last week in a NBC conference call. He stammered and tried to switch gears like my Mighty 2000 Neonmobile, suggesting he couldn’t remember what make of cars Arnett has been shilling for the last 10 years (GMC trucks).

Not surprised GM put their foot down. After all, the original KITT was a Trans-Am. They don’t want their voice guy in the other team’s pony car.

Too bad though–Arnett’s voice purrs pure sarcasm, he would have lent a cool edge to this caper. The TV-movie airs February 17 and is a back door pilot for a series.

Arnett shouldn’t have to wait long for his next ride: his former Arrested Development co-star Jeffrey Tambor has been telling folks there is an AD feature in development. Won’t believe it till I see it but bring back the Bluths.

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