Yesterday I arrived home to find a giant white pizza-shaped box at my door. It was from those zany marketing folks at Fox again, this time promoting the fifth season of So You Think You Can Dance (returning Thurs., May 21 from 8-10 p.m.).
Inside the box was this giant cardboard section of false floor, unfolding to a width of 48-inches. There were also some black step decals included along with step-by-step instructions on how to do the waltz and cha-cha. “Impress your colleagues and friends!” went the release. “Master the dances and you’ll be the toast of the dance floor in no time!”
I’m guessing every TCA member got one, meaning Fox shipped 220 of these suckers across North America. The value on the customs invoice was five bucks, but the cost of this promotion, including shipping, had to be in the thousands of dollars and would probably buy another episode of Little Mosque on the Prairie.Oh yeah–there was also a screener with a three-minute teaser for the series. Lovely host Cat Deeley (left, and why she nearly cut herself out of the picture instead of me I’ll never know), as well as judges Nigel Lithgoe, Mary Murphy and Adam Shankman, are all back. The clips of the latest dancing auditions look pretty amazing.
Still, what to do with this big goofy floor thingy? Might slip it under the cat dish. Or, better yet, flop it in the garage to catch that oil leak from the Mighty Neon 2000. “So You Think You Can Drip.” Thanks, Fox.
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