This week, CHML’s Scott Thompson starts by asking about Suzanne Crough, the red-haired young daughter with the tambourine on The Partridge Family. Crough died earlier this week at 52.
This leads to a discussion of other child stars and how I keep running into them as 50- or 60-year olds at the Hollywood Show, an autograph-seekers nostalgia fest held a few times each year. Jay North and Jeannie Russell from Dennis the Menace and Larry Matthews (Richie from The Dick Van Dyke Show) were at the October Hollywood Show.

Then we get into David Letterman’s departure and how these last few shows are can’t miss. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to say that about The Late Show. CBS has a 90-minute Letterman special scheduled for Monday at 8:30 p.m. with Ray Romano as host. Clips from his riveting, steadying, post-9/11 broadcast will be featured.
Finally we touch on the tug of war over how many leader’s debates might be allowed heading into the next federal election. If only Letterman could be the moderator.
You can listen in here.