


Fire up the Tiki torch and pass the Doritos: Survivor keeps winning Canada’s weekly TV ratings race. The long-running CBS import was the most-watched show in Canada the week of May 2-8, drawing 1,544,000 viewers on Global. Furthermore, the castaway competition series has ranked No. 1, according to Numeris, five of the past six weeks.

Fire up the Tiki torch and pass the Doritos. Survivor, for a third weekly win in 2022, is the most-watched show in Canada on broadcast television. Not bad for a series that began 42 editions ago. The series seems to be attracting a whole new audience, although one viewer who’s been a fan since the

While the Top-30 most-watched TV shows in English Canada had a familiar look to it April 11-17, there are a few trends to note. For example: Numeris’ weekly estimate of Canadian viewers ages two-plus tends to skew closer to 72-plus. For one thing, there are more Canadians ages 70 and up than there are Canadians