


From Tuesday night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live: Congratulations to John Tory, who has succeeded the inimitable Rob Ford as mayor of Toronto…Ford has vowed to run for mayor again in 2018. I don’t know if I can wait that long!

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.–Whoa, Canada. Relax! ABC loves Rookie Blue. Honest! ABC officials back peddled Tuesday afternoon on earlier reports the U.S. broadcaster was not ordering future episodes of the five-year-old series. Credit Canadian colleague Amber Dowling (read her now at The TV Junkies) with getting to ABC entertainment president Paul Lee Tuesday morning with the

I joke that recapping American Idol and Dancing with the Stars for theStar.ca this year is the very definition of getting paid to watch television. Fact is, a) I don’t get paid all that much and b) I was surprised by how much I enjoyed both shows. Once mighty Idol has slumped to a record

The U.S. network upfront announcements are creating the usual headaches for Canadian TV execs. Tuesday, ABC, as part of their Upfront presentation in New York, announced it is moving Grey’s Anatomy forward an hour to Thursday at 8 p.m. This will creat an all Shonda Rhimes night on ABC, with Grey’s at 8, Scandal (much

Top 5 (l-r): Jena (“It’s GEEENA!!”) Irene, Alex Preston, Caleb Johnson, Sam Woolf and Jessica Meuse. Photo: Michael Becker/FOX And then there were five. Learn all about “Grumpy Cat,” plus which of the Top 6 American Idol finalists got the boot Thursday night on the fading Fox star search series. I recap this week’s performance show

Dancing duo Karina Smirnoff and Sean Avery What’s the deal with Dancing with the Stars? That’s CHML’s Scott Thompson’s opener on this week’s Hamilton Talk Radio podcast. He’d read my report of the abuse of poor old Billy Dee Williams, turned into a Jedi joke on Monday’s Season 18 premiere. Scott wonders if this might

Billy Dee, who got a Billy D-minus for his dancing from one critic Each week, I recap Dancing with the Stars for TheStar.ca. I have done it for a few years and am not ashamed to admit it.Until this season, that is. What an unholy hot mess that show has become. It is as if