
Schitt’s Creek


Street Legal‘s six-episode season finale drew an overnight, estimated 254,000 Monday night. CBC had already confirmed that this would also be the series finale, and the bad news no doubt contributed to this being the series’ second-lowest audience estimate. It went out with a bang, creatively, with Jean Yoon from Kim’s Convenience guesting along with

Last week we showed how ratings for the Canadian Screen Awards were trending down, at least in overnight estimates, in English Canada. Viewers who might PVR live event programming such as sports or award shows still generally catch up with it the same night so let’s just say trending down period. The CSA’s have shed

The old rule used to be that it took four weeks for a new series to find it’s level. After three weeks, CBC’s reboot of it’s early ’90s law series Street Legal has gone 376,000, 341,000 and, this past Monday, 306,000 in overnight estimates. Will it bounce up in that important fourth week? Monday overall

Holy Schitt’s! Perhaps no other series in Canada demonstrates how times have changed in the eyeball counting business than Schitt’s Creek. Acclaimed in both Canada and the United States, the five-year-old comedy could likely not survive on live viewing alone given the low overnight estimates it has charted this season. Take last week for example.

The month of March will bring several new Canadian TV shows to viewers, including the return of the decades old CBC drama Street Legal and the launch of new CTV sitcom Jann starring Jann Arden. The PR push for both these shows has already begun. Will audiences respond? If recent ratings are any indication, industry

They should always have been called The Candys, dammit. Redesign the trophy, lose the ice scraper look, give us a bust of the guy with the snake on his face. Long live The Candys. Sunday night in Toronto, the 4th annual Canadian Screen Awards was a rather straight ahead affair. The Sony Centre was well

Celebrate Canada Day by reading about national treasure Catherine O’Hara. She’s come a long way from Our Lady of Peace grade school in Etobicoke. O’Hara and her ol’ SCTV mate Eugene Levy, and his son Dan Levy, just wrapped up the Season Two shoot of Schitt’s Creek. It returns next season on CBC and Pop.