
The Three Stooges


As a child of television growing up in the west end of Toronto in the early 1960s, I was always confused about the opening of a local children’s show called Commander Tom. A narrator boomed off the top that the commander’s top secret headquarters was, “somewhere on the Niagara peninsula.” “Somewhere”? It looked like a 50-storey

Meet Hollywood Suite Film and Content Specialist Cam Maitland (above right) and Archive producer Alicia Fletcher. These two don’t just love movies, they study them, curate them, restore them, write about them, teach them, host screening and panels about them and occasionally pop up on Hollywood Suite to talk about them. Maitland, from Edmonton, has

Maybe its just me, but this looks awesome. That’s B.C.-native Will Sasso (Mad-TV) as Curly Howard. Does he nail it? Sointenly! Fellow Canucklehead Chris Diamantopoulos, from Toronto, plays Moe. Diamantopoulos seems to be specializing in playing famous people; he previously played Robin Williams in the TV-movie about Mork & Mindy and played Frank Sinatra in