I recently flew 4300 kms to Dawson City, Yukon, to work a story but it’s also a kick when I can simply walk to a TV location. That happened earlier this year when Mike Holmes was just three blocks away ripping apart a house for his HGTV series Holmes Inspection (returning for a second season Thursday at 9pm ET/PT).
Holmes himself wasn’t personally ripping anything. Despite those Popeye forearms, he’s got a team of contractors led by Damon Bennett (above right with Holmes) to do his dirty work. It was easy to spot his presence, what with all those scrap waste bins out front already stickered with Mike’s “Make It Right” motto.
The house was a nice place I’d noticed before while walking Brampton’s “M” section. (Tip for moms-to-be–don’t live in the “C” section.) The folks who bought it paid plenty only to discover that it needed $250,000 in upgrades and renovations and no, the TV show does not pay for that–it comes out of the home owner’s pocket.
Holmes and his crew chased a squirrel and some raccoons out of the joint and I’m pretty sure they’re now living in my garage. For more on the house, the show and Holmes, read this story I filed today for The Canadian Press.
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I own a 1/2 Plex home, it is so linear that it makes me ill. For years, I have wanted to renovate it by adding 750 sq ft up plus, change the front and make it easier to keep up on its maintenance. Now, I need to hire a contractor and I have a budget however, I do not want someone to take advantage of me. Can you give me some advice.