Children don’t ruin everything. Snow ruins everything. A lot of it is being dumped across Ontario all day today.
If only there was a great podcast episode to listen to while you’re shoveling. Hey, wait a minute — there is! Click on the blue and white arrow above and listen now to writer/showrunner Kurt Smeaton who insists that Children Ruin Everything is just a tongue-in-cheek title. “I don’t really believe children ruin everything,” says this father-of-three. Listen as he digs himself out of that one.
Smeaton won an Emmy writing and producing on the sixth season of Schitt’s Creek, and counts Kim’s Convenience and Mr. D among his previous TV comedy credits. Plus he’s a father of three so he knows there’s another side to parenthood besides sleep deprevation and diaper duty.
Then watch the new sitcom Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. on CTV. You won’t be able to go anywhere at least until then anyway. Plus schools will be canceled again this week so you’ll be able to test the title of the series yourselves!

Children Ruin Everything stars Meaghan Rath and Aaron Abrams as the parents, Ennis Esmer as the single-and-loving-it co-worker friend and Nazneen Contractor as the told-you-so sister. Lisa Codrington is very funny as the aggressive boss. It’s from NewMetric Media, the folks who bring you Letterkenny.