Wednesday night at 8/9c, CBC airs Part Two of the four-part series Summit 72. For those of us who, as hockey-mad teenagers, watched this clash between the best of the Soviets vs Canadian all-stars, this is must see TV. For the majority of Canadians born after the eight game event, it may be a tougher
With all the attention on the real royal family, it is no wonder that The Crown has leapt back up into the Top-10 most watched Netflix shows in Canada. The series has seen a renewed popularity all over the world, ranking in the Top-10 in 87 different countries and territories. Cobra Kai‘s fifth season, however,
Did you know that there are three German Shepherds who take turns playing Rex on Hudson & Rex — and that one is called in for the kissing scenes? The series returns for a fifth season this Sunday, September 25, on Citytv. You can hear the Hudson half of the series, John Reardon, now as
The start of the traditional broadcast network TV season begins in earnest this week, although earnest may be overstating things. To paraphrase Tina Fey a dozen years ago, network television today is about as cutting edge as vaudeville in the sixties. Nevertheless, one of the new/old offerings, mainly what you get from broadcast nowadays, is
On Monday, nine days after her death on September 8, HRH Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral service aired live on TV networks across Canada. It is nearly 70 years and a far cry from the early days of television when, in 1953, the Queen’s coronation was paraded in the streets of London. It was filmed, swiftly
Wednesday night, the puck drops on a documentary about a hockey series that blew my teenagee mind 50 years ago. Airing over four consecutive Wednesdays, Summit 72 is a four-part docuseries about the 1972 culture clash on ice known as Team Canada vs. The U.S.S.R. It pitted Canadian pros long-banned at the Olympics and in
When they named their new series Monarch, programmers at Fox likely did not expect to be launching it straight into the middle of a royal funeral. With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, however, the real monarch lies in state just as this new Monarch premieres. In Canada, Global has the first episode Wednesday night
The fifth Season premiere of Cobra Kai was the most-watched Netflix program in Canada the week of September 5-11. Cobra Kai clocked the most Netflix hours that same week in 83 countries, including The United States, Mexico, France, Germany, Italy and The United Kingdom. Also cracking the chart in its first week in Canada were