I was seven-years-old when Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer first landed on television. The time was December of 1964. The Beatles had broken big on Ed Sullivan that year and men were circling the Earth. The Toronto Maple Leafs were closing in on their third-straight Stanley Cup win. After 97 years as a nation, Canada was finally about
Seeking an old-fashioned, TV Christmas experience? This Wednesday, join me at The Westdale theatre in Hamilton, Ont., for a retro TV on Film party. You’ll see two vintage holiday episodes from cherished series from the ’60s: The one and only Christmas episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show, “The Alan Brady Show Presents,” aired 60
This festive Larry Fritz illustration graced the cover of TV Guide for the week of December 24, 1955–exactly 67 years ago today. That was back when television was something you watched for free as long as you were willing to put up with the occasional commercial – sort of like FAST channels such as Pluto-TV
This festive Larry Fritz illustration graced the cover of TV Guide for the week of December 24, 1955. That was back when signals were pulled in from all over on rooftop antennas–for free. Back when there were TV listings magazines–which sold for 15 cents. Back when binging only took place at the dinner table, and movies
If you’re into romantic Christmas movies at this time of year, how could you possibly resist one titled, “The Nine Kittens of Christmas”? Not very easily according to rating returns for the US premiere. An estimated 3.4 million viewers watched “Nine Kittens” on Thanksgiving night in America on the Hallmark Channel. It stands as the
This festive Larry Fritz illustration graced the cover of TV Guide for the week of December 24, 1955–65 years ago this week. That was back when signals were pulled in from all over on rooftop antennas–for free. Back when there were TV listings magazines–which sold for 15 cents. Back when binging only took place at the
In an age of endless searching and typing and trying to remember what channel is where I just love simple voice commands. That’s why I love Rogers Ignite. Now, full disclosure: as a Rogers Ignite influencer, I enjoy a complimentary subscription to the service. Nonetheless, I’m happy to sing its praises. It’s the best way
What are the best Christmas-themed sitcom episodes of all time? I change this list up every December. Since it’s been a strange year, I’m throwing a couple of strange choices into the mix. Here, in chronological order (and heavy on the ’60s) is my 2020 Twelve Sitcoms of Christmas list: The Honeymooners (1955). In “T’was the